Saturday, October 7, 2017

Saturday Matinee - The Curse of the Full Moon

When I was attacked by the creature I had known nothing of the lycanthropic most mortals I was blissfully unaware of the dark world that surrounded me!!!
The attack had been sudden and evening stroll turned into a battle for my life against raking claws and teeth that sank so deep into my flesh!!!!
I fought as best I could but the beast was bigger, stronger, faster than me!!!!
In fact I would have died on that very spot if it hadn't been for the man....I don't know who he was! He appeared from nowhere and shot the beast six times until it finally fell over dead!!!
His shots drew the police and as they called frantically for an ambulance for me they grabbed my savior and put him in handcuffs!
A pink faced policeman leaned over me pointing to the man they held...
"Is this the man Sir....did he fire the shots?"
I was unable to speak....I was so weak....I nodded.....I tried to point to the beast but there was no beast.....there was the body of a young girl covered in blood....then I knew no more....
I woke in the hospital.....the doctors told me that my recovery was miraculous....they had never seen anyone heal so quickly from wounds that were potentially fatal!!! I thanked my lucky stars that I survived and allowed them to run all their tests although, to be honest, I never felt better in my life!!!!
I found that I could hear pretty much everything on the floor.....I could detect scents I never knew before.....I didn't know till now, that every person had a unique scent that was so obvious even if they tried to hide it with cologne or perfume!!!!
The police came to see me several times and I told them the truth.....the man had saved me from a horrible beast.....he had saved my life!!!! They told me that in the course of the attack I must have confused things because the only people at the scene moments after the shots were fired was me, a young girl...naked as the day she was born and the accused killer!!!!
They tried to make it fit together like a very awkward jigsaw puzzle....and told me that I had been too wounded to be a reliable witness!!!
They held me in the hospital for weeks.....they insisted I stay as they tested me....I began to be able to tell who was coming to my room by their scent alone....
Doctor Almay had a sick scent and I suspected he didn't have long to live....
Nurse Randall had a very earthy scent....she seemed to be almost constantly aroused...
Nurse Pagett smelled old and dying....unusual since she was so young....
Nurse Hope was my favorite....I can't explain it....but her scent was just delightful....her woman essence was somehow just fresh and the scent of a field of lilac in bloom....
The police smelled of death....every one of them.....the degree varied but the stink of it was on all of them....
Weeks passed and I felt a strange thrill run through was as if I felt something coming....something amazing....
The first night of the full moon it happened....
Pain....unimaginable pain.....I felt my body twisting....bones snapping and reforming....Nurses, and then Doctors had run to my side....but, like me, they didn't understand....the curse!!!!
The transformation happened so quickly....I was so hungry and I was so pleased that there was so much food nearby....the food was so noisy and some of it fought me but that only drove my frenzy to a higher level!!!!
Once I had fed I heard the howls of the pack, it was as if they were calling me to come home!!!
I left the building full of the sick food and raced toward the pack...
The food that I passed screamed and ran but I was well fed for now....
Soon I reached the legs aching and my paws burning.....but I was with my own....
The pack circled me and I bowed in a few moments the Alpha approached me and pushed me with his nose....
Submissively I moved in the direction he had indicated....he kept moving me until my hind quarters were shown to the entire pack.....
And then he mounted was bliss....pure bliss as I found my place as the Alpha's bitch....
Later many of the pack left to hunt food but I was full.....I nuzzled next to the Alpha to rest until he pushed me away....
I awoke at dawn surrounded by naked they stirred awake many of them were grinning at me as they slipped away....
A cough behind me made me turn....
"You're probably mate bit you and brought you into our pack....but every pack needs a female......every Alpha needs a bitch....and when they killed my you were the last one turned you have become my bitch...."
"I don't understand.....I've become some kind of beast!!!!"
"Yes! But you've become our Queen too!"
"But I'm a man!"
"Sometimes you are and sometimes you aren't.....come with me and let me teach you about your new world!"
He smelled like he was telling the fact his scent was all over me....I went with him to learn what I had become!!!!

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