Sunday, June 18, 2017


Was it the heat from the grill that had made his face so red.....his wife had had one too many cocktails and was regaling their guests with stories he would have much rather kept private!!!!
They were all laughing....
"And it was so small.....I was just stunned.....there was nothing I could do with that.....isn't that right honey.....I told you your penis was too small to be of any use to any woman?"
"Yes Ma'am..."
"I mean....thank goodness for his tongue!!!"
There was more laughter.....
"Then he asked if he could wear my panties!!!! I just couldn't believe you remember Sissy....that first time I gave you my panties to wear?"
"Yes Ma'am!"
There was more laughter.....
"Then came the bras and stockings and dresses and know what....Sissy when you've finished cooking I think we'd all like a fashion show!!!"
There was more laughter.....
"Yes Ma'am!"

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