Monday, October 17, 2016

Monday ManCandy

There have been reports of multiple drive-by shootings in the pre-dawn hours this Monday morning!!! Warm creamy shootings!!! In fact our news cameras caught this one fact it was the third time this car had come by in the last hour!!! When we tried to get a comment the driver simply said that he needed it to get started and he had to be careful not to spill any on his wife's dress!!! We're sure his wife appreciated his extra efforts!!!
ManCandy!!!!It's the breakfast treat that's worth the drive!!!

1 comment:

  1. sei sempre bella e spiritosa mia adorata Kaaren...!! anche a me piacciono le uscite in automobile nei parcheggi frequentati da baldanzosi giovanotti sempre pronti a "sparare" le loro abbondanti bordate di bianco e scintillanti e saporito elisir...e dio come un piccolo bersaglio me li facci sempre centrare sul viso in bocca o al centro delle mie sode piccole natiche nude e messe all'aria !! grazie amore sei splendida baci baci baci
