Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Small Town Girls - I Need You

It's hard to keep secrets in a small town and Johnny and Tommy, or Joanie and Tammy as they preferred to be called had always been so careful!
When Tammy called she had sounded so shaky that Joanie rushed to her house as  quickly as she could....
Tammy was her sisters pretty red bra and panties.....
"What's the matter Baby....what's going on? Joanie cried!
"I needed you today....I wanted you so badly that it hurt!!!!"
"Why didn't you say....I have nothing sexy to wear....maybe I could borrow something from your sisters drawers...."
"No please Joanie.....Johnny....I need you to be the boy today....would that be okay....please?"
"As long as I get to have you that's time you can be the boy for me....okay?"
"Oh yes.....please I need you now!!!!"
I need you too Baby!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. in piccole cittadine in paesi poco abitati bisogna muoversi con circospezione se si vogliono mantenere certi piccoli segreti...è difficilissimo basta un passo falso o una frase sbagliata o un atteggiamento diverso che possiamo tradire il nostro piccolo a volte può essere una liberazione...via tutti i tabù...chi se ne importa del giudizio degli se poi si mettono in difficoltà altre care persone allora stiamo attente e teniamoci il nostro piccolo segreto tutto per noi per la nostra intimità !!! grazie bellissima argomento serioso molto interessante da sviluppare ti adoro !!! baci baci baci
